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"Women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain" - Eowyn

Éowyn was the sister of Éomer and the niece of King Théoden.


Early life[]

Éowyn was born to Marshal Éomund and his wife in TA 2995.[1] While she was still young, her father was killed in an orc attack.[1] She lived her childhood in Edoras alongside her older brother Éomer under the watchful eye of her uncle Théoden.[1]

Corruption of Théoden[]

At some point, Grima Wormtongue was sent into Edoras by Saruman the White and Éowyn and her brother watched in dismay as the man they knew as their uncle and King, fell into madness. Grima came to be captivated by Éowyn's beauty during his time in the palace.[1]

War of the Ring[]

With Théoden under Saruman's spell, the forces of Isengard as well as the hillmen, were able to successfully invade and plunder the lands of Rohan. Éowyn was present in the palace in Edoras as war broke out.[2] Following the first battle of the Fords of Isen, Éowyn was present when her brother's and his troops returned with a mortally injured Théodred - Éowyn's cousin and Théoden's only son.[2]

Éowyn and her brother attempted to relay this to the King. Théoden had fallen further into darkness and didn't seem to recognise them or the immediate peril from Saruman. Disgusted with what Grima had turned his uncle into, Éomer threatened the man, Éowyn witnessed in dismay as Grima's thugs removed her brother and he was subsequently banished from Rohan by Wormtongue.[2]

Some time later, Éowyn was with Théodred and the prince passed away from his injuries. She again tried to tell the King but he didn't comprehend once again due to Saruman's spell.[2]

Théoden is released[]

Éowyn retreated to her cousin's room and mourned over his body. Grima entered, attempting to gain her affection, although immediately she rejected him. Grima spoke, accurately summing up her feelings of bitterness and despair. At first Éowyn was stunned at how utterly perceptive Wormtongue was, but in the end she rejected his words as poison and left in fury.[2]

As she surveyed her vast homelands from the palace, she noticed Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli riding towards Edoras. She disappeared from sight, but later reappeared when a commotion broke out in the palace. With Aragorn and the others subduing Wormtongue and his men, she arrived in time to see Gandalf unleash his power upon Théoden. She attempted to approach her uncle, but Aragorn restrained her and told her to wait. She then witnessed Théoden speaking with Saruman's voice as he the fallen wizard tried to resist Gandalf, but Gandalf broke the spell and forced Saruman out. Éowyn rushed to her uncle and watched him revert to his former self. Théoden finally recognised her again, much to Éowyn's joy. Théoden immediately attempted to execute Grima, but Aragorn stopped him and Grima escaped. When Théoden finally asked for the whereabouts of his son, he soon learned the terrible truth of his son's demise.[2]

At the funeral of Théodred, Éowyn sang a bittersweet lament for her fallen cousin.[2]

Encountering Aragorn[]

Éowyn was present when child refugees from the burning Westfold, Fréda and Éothain arrived with news of the pillaging in the villages. Théoden resolved to retreat to Helm's Deep to keep his people protected. During the exodus from Edoras, Éowyn briefly practised with her sword, but as she turned she suddenly found her blade locked against Aragorn's dagger. He noted her skill with a blade, whereupon she explained that she had a desire to stand and fight alongside the rest of her family. As a woman she felt constrained, but Aragorn foretold that she would soon see battle ere the end.[2]

During the journey to Helm's Deep, Éowyn also befriended Gimli, who amused her with stories of Dwarf women. She later learns that Aragorn is of Númenórean descent and grows to admire him even more.[3] She noticed the evenstar and deduced that it must have been given to him by a maiden. Aragorn simply told her that the maiden in question was leaving Middle-earth with the rest of her kin.[2]

Reaching Helm's Deep[]

The company was soon attacked by Warg riders from Isengard. Éowyn prepared to fight for her people, but Théoden ordered her to lead the women and children to safety. Reluctantly, Éowyn complied and safely led the refugees to Helm's Deep. When Théoden and his men rejoined them, she was dismayed to learn from Gimli that Aragorn had apparently fallen in battle.[2]

Aragorn had indeed not fallen, and he soon returned to Helm's Deep. He brought news that an army of 10,000 Uruk-hai were marching upon them. Théoden immediately ordered the defense of the fortress. Éowyn was denied the opportunity to fight; instead she was forced to accept that she must stay with the women and children in the glittering caves.[2]

Éowyn spent the Battle of Helm's Deep in the caves, protecting the women and children. Théoden and his men proved triumphant with the return of Gandalf and Éomer. Éowyn celebrated their victory with the others.[2]

Victory for Rohan[]

The victorious Théoden returned to Edoras. There Éowyn is seen at the victory banquet, where she gave a chalice to Aragorn. Théoden noticed this and was happy for her apparent attraction to Aragorn.[4] She was later disturbed in her sleep when she dreamt of a mighty wave engulfing an unknown land. Little did she realise that she had dreamt of the fall of Númenor. Aragorn himself recognised the story, but he did not reveal its meaning to her.[5]

The following morning, Gandalf and Pippin departed for Minas Tirith after the latter saw a vision in the palantir. Later, when the war beacons of Gondor were lit, Aragorn brought the news to Théoden and Éowyn was present for her uncles decision to answer the call. They departed for Dunharrow to gather their forces there.[4]


Éowyn joined the company, noting her role in supporting the men, although Aragorn noticed that she was secretly bringing a sword with her. When they arrived at Dunharrow, she later befriended the Hobbit, Meriadoc Brandybuck, and encouraged him to have his sword sharpened by the smithy. Éomer disapproved of her encouraging Merry, but Éowyn scolded him for doubting the courage of the young Hobbit.[4]

Aragorn prepared to leave on his own journey and Éowyn begged him to stay. Aragorn asked her why she had really come to Dunharrow. Without actually saying the words, Éowyn affirmed her love for him. Aragorn sadly answered "It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. I cannot give you what you seek". Heartbroken, Éowyn silently watched him depart with Legolas and Gimli.[4]

Ride to Gondor[]

"What other duty would you have me do my lord?" Éowyn to Théoden

The following morning, Éowyn and Théoden shared a final moment before the departure. He advised her to take up his seat in the Golden Hall and rule in his stead. Éowyn asked if there was anything more he would have of her. The King told her he wished only for her to be happy once again.[4]

As the Rohirrim prepared to leave, Éowyn disguised herself as a soldier and mounted her horse. After Merry had also been told to stay behind by the king, she rode past him and swept him up onto her horse, giving him the opportunity to fight with her.[4]

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Éowyn charges to battle

Battle of the Pelennor Fields[]

"Courage Merry, courage for our friends" Éowyn tries to comfort Merry

When the Rohirrim arrived outside Minas Tirith, Merry was unnerved by the sheer numbers in the Minas Morgul army and the imminent battle. Éowyn reminded him of his friends and told him to stay by her side. When at last Théoden led the charge, the Rohirrim trampled many lines of orcs and uruks into ruin. Initially they won the field, but the arrival of the Haradrim on Mûmakil soon evened the field. Éowyn and Merry were able to weave through the stampeding creatures. Éowyn used her swords to hack at a Mûmak's legs, bringing it down. When some riders managed to bring down another Mûmakil, Eowyn assisted them by throwing her spear into the creatures leg. But when the beast fell, Éowyn and Merry were too close and they were thrown to the ground when their horse panicked. Eowyn recovered and slayed several Haradrim. She even engaged the Orc leader Gothmog, and managed to punch the orc in the face and wound his leg. In the heat of battle, the Witch-king of Angmar used his fell beast to throw up Théoden and his horse and toss them across the field. Éowyn watched in abject horror as her uncle was crushed beneath his horse. As the Nazgûl urged his steed to devour the King, Éowyn immediately put herself between them. She threatened him with death if he dared to defile Théoden. The Witch-king dismissed her and his steed lunged. Éowyn quickly darted aside and brought her sword down on the beast's outstretched neck, cleaving off the head. The fell beast flailed around in its death throes, unseating the Witch-King. But when the wraith emerged from the ruin of the beast, he turned upon her with cold fury and revealed an enormous flail. The Witch-king swung the flail at her without mercy. She was able to evade each blow until finally the flail impacted against her shield, which shattered and knocked her back. With her arm broken, Éowyn was threatened once more as the Witch-king berated her for challenging him at all, stating "No man can kill me", referring to an old prophecy made that stated no man would kill him. Merry managed to stab the Witch-King's leg, which brought the wraith to his knees. Rising to her feet again, Éowyn flung her helmet off and declared "I am no man". Éowyn then rammed her sword into the Witch-king's face, which finally destroyed him. The wraith's helmet was crushed and his screech was stifled. After her triumph, she fell to the ground due to her many injuries.

Minas Tirith and the Houses of the Healing[]

To be added

Coronation of Elessar[]

To be added

Fourth Age[]

Éowyn settled in Gondor with Faramir and birthed multiple children. Sometime following the War of the Ring, she would tell the story Helm Hammerhand to a keen listener.[6]


Reference List[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Visual Companion
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  3. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Extended Edition
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Extended Edition
  6. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim