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The Ambush took place in the Gladden Fields when Isildur was killed by Orcs and lost possession of the One Ring in the river Anduin.


Following the War of the Last Alliance and the deaths of his father and brother, Isildur became King of both Gondor and Arnor. He ruled for some time at the dawn of the Third Age.[1]

The Ambush[]

Isildur was travelling with his men through the Gladden Fields when they were suddenly jumped by a band of Orcs. With his men completely occupied, they didn't notice Isildur get knocked off his horse by one of the Orcs. Isildur snatched the One Ring from his chest, looked at it in a moment of contemplation and then put it on. He ran and jumped into the Anduin river but lost the ring in the process. Two Orcs were then able to see his location and shot him with multiple arrows in the back, killing him.[2]


Isildur's body floated down the Anduin and the One Ring was lost to the bottom of the river.[3] It was eventually found by the Stoor Déagol years later.[4]


