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The Battle at Amon Hen, or the breaking of the Fellowship, occurred when Uruk-hai scouts under the command of Lurtz, attacked the Fellowship of the Ring at Amon Hen. The Fellowship was split up during the battle, Boromir was killed and the Hobbits, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, were captured by the Uruks to be taken back to Saruman.


Frodo was given an hour alone to decide how the Fellowship would proceed in their quest. However, after an hour had long past, Frodo had still not returned. Boromir, who had earlier abandoned the remaining members of the Fellowship without their knowing, then returned. He recounted that he had seen Frodo an hour before, that he had tried to convince Frodo to bring the Ring to Minas Tirith, and that they then had an argument, resulting in Frodo putting on the Ring and vanishing. This story roused the suspicions of Aragorn, who guessed correctly that Boromir had not told the entire truth. At the conclusion of Boromir's story, Merry and Pippin immediately ran off to locate Frodo while Legolas and Gimli searched for the Ring-bearer in a different direction.[1]

Fearing that the Fellowship would be scattered and lost, Aragorn commanded Boromir to follow Merry and Pippin. Aragorn then instructed Sam to follow him to the Seat of Seeing, but Sam was unable to keep up with him. Thinking on his feet, Sam returned to camp and saw a boat seemingly push itself into the river. Realizing that an invisible Frodo was pushing the boat, Sam caught up to Frodo, and convinced him to let him accompany him to Mordor.[1]

The Battle[]

Meanwhile, Aragorn, who had reached the Seat of Seeing, heard the sounds of Orcs and of Boromir blowing his horn. He ran to Boromir's aid, but arrived too late, as did the battle-worn Legolas and Gimli shortly thereafter. Boromir fought valiantly, redeeming himself for trying to steal the Ring from Frodo, but fell to many arrows allowing Merry and Pippin to be captured. With Frodo and Sam heading off to Mordor on their own, Aragorn decided that the fate of the Ring was no longer in their hands, so he, Legolas, and Gimli set out to rescue Merry and Pippin.[1]


After Boromir died the Fellowship split into three paths. From there Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli chased after the Uruk-hai who took Merry and Pippin.[1] Their plan was to take the hobbits to Saruman in Isengard. Uglúk took command of the Uruk-hai scouts in the wake of Lurtz' death.[2]

Along the way Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli crossed through the Gap of Rohan and came across Éomer who led the banished Riders of Rohan across the land. After questioning Éomer, they found out that the riders had already slain the Uruk-hai they were meant to track, the night before in a bloody massacre. So upon arriving to site of battle, Aragorn discovers that the hobbits fled deep into Fangorn Forest.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  2. It can be inferred that Uglûk took command after the death of Lurtz.
  3. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers