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Hadhafang was an Elvish-blade used by Elrond and later his daughter Arwen.


The sword once belonged to an Elven princess named Idril. It was then handed down by Idril to her son Eärendil, who in turn would hand it down to his son Elrond.[1]

Elrond used the sword during the War of the Last Alliance, facing off against the hoardes of Mordor Orcs. He later continued to use the sword when he needed to over the years. [2]

When White Council attacked Dol Guldur, Elrond used the sword to fight off the wraith-like Nazgûl and killed many of them before Sauron revived them. [3]

He then passed the sword down to his daughter Arwen. Arwen wielded the sword during the Flight to the Ford when she was being chased by the Nazgûl black riders.[2]

