The Mirror of Galadriel was a magical pool of water in Lothlórien and was owned by Lady Galadriel. It would show the viewer things that were, things that are and things that would happen in the future.
In the year TA 3019, the Fellowship of the Ring reached Lothlórien on their way to Mordor with the One Ring. While they were resting, Frodo Baggins followed Galadriel down to the mirror. She asked him whether he would look and he asked her what he would see. She told him that even the wisest could not tell what would be shown. Frodo looked into the mirror where he saw what would happen should the Fellowship fail on their quest as well as the enslavement of the Shire. He then saw the Eye of Sauron and was thrown back after the One Ring was drawn to it's power. Galadriel told Frodo that she knew what he had seen as it was also in her mind.