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The Harrowing of Rohan took place when the lands were pillaged by the Dunlendings and the Orcs of the White Hand during the War of the Ring.


"The horsemen took your lands. They drove your people into the hills to scratch the living off rocks."

Saruman the White planted seeds of disruption within Edoras in Rohan by sending Grima Wormtongue and placing a spell upon the King of Rohan, Théoden. Saruman then began his campaign of evil, beginning with the Battle of Amon Hen when he sent Lurtz and the Uruk-hai scouts to apprehend the Fellowship of the Ring. Following this, Saruman met with the Dunlending Chief, Freca. Saruman offered the lands of Rohan to the chieftain and the man pledged his allegiance to the White Wizard, cutting his hand with a knife. Saruman then sent the Dunlendings and his Orcs loose on the lands of Rohan.[1]

Pillaging of Rohan

Uruk-hai and Dunlendings during the harrowing

The pillaging[]

The Dunlendings and Orcs[1], as well as Uruk-hai soldiers[2], began pillaging various villages around Rohan, killing all in their path. In one village, Morwen sent her children Éothain and Freda on horseback to warn Edoras.[1]


Freda and Éothain reached Edoras after multiple days of travel, right after Théoden's awakening from Saruman's spell. With this new information, Théoden decided to lead his people to the refuge of Helm's Deep.[1]



  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Visual Companion

Reference List[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Visual Companion