Middle-earth Cinematic Universe wiki

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Middle-earth Cinematic Universe wiki
Middle-earth Cinematic Universe wiki
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The Siege of Minas Ithil took place when the Nazgûl laid siege to the Gondorian city of Minas Ithil. The city would finally fall into darkness and become Minas Morgul.


In TA 2941, Lady Galadriel and the White Council attacked Dol Guldur and Sauron was banished from the fortress. He fled with the Nazgûl into the east, returning to the lands of Mordor.[1]

The Siege[]

The Nazgûl engaged in a siege of the nearby city of Minas Ithil. The city would ultimately fall into the hands of the nine.[2]


The city was forever known from that moment as Minas Morgul[2], or the dead city[3], and became the permanent haunt of the Nazgûl until the War of the Ring.[3]

Behind the Scenes[]

There are guidebooks to The Lord of the Rings trilogy that state the siege ended in TA 2002. However, due to the controversial changes made to the backstory of the Nazgûl in Peter Jacksons' Hobbit movies, the wiki has currently decided that this is impossible and have placed it after the events of The Hobbit trilogy.[4]


