The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is an upcoming anime feature film in the film-universe set hundreds of years before The Lord of the Rings Trilogy of films. Kenji Kamiyama and Sola Entertainment are teaming up with Warner Brothers Animation and New Line Cinema to bring Middle-earth to life once again. The film is scheduled to be released on 12 April 2024.
The only details known about the plot are the following.
- The film will follow the story of King of Rohan Helm Hammerhand
- The film will be set 250 years before the War of the Ring
- Brian Cox as Helm Hammerhand
- Gaia Wise as Héra, Helmsdaughter
- Luke Pasqualino as Wulf, Freca's son
- Laurence Ubong Williams as Fréaláf Hildeson
- Shaun Dooley as Freca
- Miranda Otto as Eowyn, the narrator
- Lorraine Ashbourne
- Yazdan Qafouri
- Benjamin Wainwright
- Michael Wildman
- Jude Akuwudike
- Bilal Hasna
- Janine Duvitski
Behind the Scenes[]
As of June 2021, the project has just been announced and no release date has been set for the project. It is also not expected to tie into Amazon's tv show at all.
In February 2022, a first look at concept art from the film, showing the influence of the live-action trilogy on its visuals, was revealed.
Characters | Races | Non-sentient creatures | Locations |
Events | Factions, groups and titles | Objects and artifacts | Miscellanea |
Non-sentient creatures
Factions, groups and titles